赛博坦之战中的曲子《Till all are one》万众一心,个人认为是首非常好听的歌曲,很有重金属感觉。
Till all are one——万众一心
In a cold, far away world——那颗星球,寒冷遥远
A battle is raging between evil and good——一场战争爆发在善恶之间
From the stars, they came here to Earth——穿越星海,他们来到地球
Caught in their struggle through the whole universe——踏遍宇宙,征战不休
Robotic warriors giving their all——机器战士们出生入死
Fight in disguise, 'til the victor stands tall——在伪装中奋战,直到胜者屹立
变形金刚 Defenders of truth, robots who fight in disguise——真理的捍卫者,在伪装中战斗的机械体
When the battle is through, only the strong will survive——当战斗打响,唯有强者才能生存
Till all are one——直到万众一心
Unknown soldiers fighting the war——无名的战士在战场上拼杀
Used the power and wisdom——他们的力量和智慧
From those gone before——尽来自那逝去的辉煌
Leads them on to victory——引领他们走向胜利
Lights their darkest hour——照亮他们最黑暗的时刻
Their one destiny——他们的命运
Truth has its moment and right always wins——真理总会闪耀,邪恶难压正义
Prepare for the fight, let the battle begin——厉兵秣马,让战斗打响吧!
Defenders of truth, robots who fight in disguise——真理的捍卫者,在伪装中战斗的机械体
When the battle is through, only the strong will survive——当战斗打响,唯有强者才能生存
Till all are one——直到万众一心
Galaxy's worried they'll retreat——在银河中奋战的战士会担心
To this darkest corner——迎来这黑暗的时刻
With the enemy gone——当敌人败退
They will finally live on——他们终将生生不息
As they revel in their victory——在欢庆在胜利中
Robotic warriors give it their all——机器战士们出生入死
Fight in disguise——在伪装中奋战
Till the victor stands tall——直到胜者屹立
Defenders of truth, robots who fight in disguise——真理的捍卫者,在伪装中战斗的机械体
When the battle is through, only the strong will survive——当战斗打响,唯有强者才能生存
Defenders of truth, robots who fight in disguise——真理的捍卫者,在伪装中战斗的机械体
When the battle is through, only the strong will survive——当战斗打响,唯有强者才能生存
Till all are one——直到万众一心