TRANSFORMERS ROBOTS IN DISGUISE #25 -Dark Cybertron#7 变形金刚-非同凡响#25暨黑暗塞博特恩#7 编剧(W) John Barber, James Roberts 绘制(A) Livio Ramondelli & Various 上色(CA) Casey Coller
WHAT LIES BENEATH! ULTRA MAGNUS leads what's left of the Lost Light crew deep into the last place they ever thought they'd be-and they find they last CYBERTRONIANS they ever expected to find! Meanwhile: MEGATRON versus GALVATRON: Round One! 密之下界!通天晓带领寻光号剩余的船员深入了他们设想中的地带——同时他们发觉他们将要找到最后的塞博特恩人!同时,威震天VS惊破天,第一回合!