A new war for Cybertron has begun! With Optimus Prime and Galvatron off-line, two legendary Generals, Obsidian and Strika, will be charged with saving Cybertron from the invading clone army led by Megaplex and his fleet of Starscream, Skywarp, and Thundercracker clones. Along with seasoned troops such as Hoist, Electro, Sandstorm, and Mirage, the Generals will need every soldier, Autobot or Decepticon, they can find if they are to save Cybertron and win the Machine Wars! 一场关于塞博特恩新的战争已经开始!随着擎天柱和惊破天的离去,两位传奇战将,黑曜石和诱击,将会对抗影武者带领的红蜘蛛、闹翻天、惊天雷克隆兵组成的军队,保卫塞博特恩。不仅需要滑车、电镀、沙暴、幻影这些经验丰富的士兵组成的军队,将军们需要能找到的每一位战士,不论汽车人还是霸天虎,来保卫塞博特恩,赢得机械战争! [attachment=66982]