战小咪 |
2013-12-14 00:25 |
警告:很多主要角色死亡! Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye #27: Dark Cybertron Part 10 (of 12) 变形金刚:超越视觉#27 暨 黑暗塞伯特恩#10 编剧James Roberts & John Barber (w) • 绘制Alex Milne & Livio Ramondelli (a) • 上色Casey W. Coller (c) TOGETHER AT LAST! The crew of the Lost Light and the survivors of CYERTRON get a brief moment of calm as they take stock of who’s survived DARK CYBERTRON this far. But things get worse—the final fate of the DEAD UNIVERSE reveals a nightmarish link to the greatest threat the universe has ever faced! 终于团聚!寻光号船员和塞伯特恩的幸存者们在一起评估谁能在黑暗塞伯特恩的世界中幸存,享受这片刻的宁静。但事态恶化——死亡宇宙的终极命运揭示着全宇宙将面临的最恐怖的连锁噩梦! 32页,$3.99,双线仍在合并叙事,和风美机与苍茫狂野的美术组合,特别封面由AM绘制。还有特制版发售。
 【旋刃在和女汉子掰腕子,背离终于和罗嗦一起开油吧了,小诸葛会被话痨飞标烦死吧……当然,封面不作数的!】 Transformers: Robots in Disguise #27: Dark Cybertron Part 11 (of 12) 变形金刚:非同凡响 #27 暨 黑暗塞伯特恩#11 编剧John Barber & James Roberts (w) • 绘制Andrew Griffith (a) • 上色Casey W. Coller (c) DEATH OF A HERO! BUMBLEBEE! RODIMUS! ULTRA MAGNUS! PROWL! One will fall in final battle with SHOCKWAVE! This one is for all the marbles, folks—it just doesn’t get any bigger than this! 英雄之死!大黄蜂!补天士!通天晓!警车!一位会在与震荡波的战斗中殒命!对所有人来说——无漫可出其右! 32页,$3.99,国字脸达人ANDREW GRIFFITH又回来了,由Marcel Matere绘制特别封面。还有特制版发售。
 【这封面!高大上!无槽可吐!反正就是要死人!】 Transformers: Dark Cybertron Finale — Part 12 (of 12)变形金刚:黑暗塞伯特恩#12 编剧John Barber & James Roberts (w) • 绘制Phil Jimenez & Brendan Cahill (a) • 上色Phil Jimenez (c) IT GETS EVEN BIGGER! Okay we lied when we were talking about last issue… but this issue is as big as they come. It’s all come down to this moment—every scheme, every lie, every moment of heroism, every relationship, every rivalry… if CYBERTRON falls, so falls the universe! 危机恶化!对上一话的评价编辑部说谎了…但这一话真是最重要的。一切归结于此刻——每个诡计、每条谎言、每刻英雄主义的时光、每种关系、每次竞争……若塞伯特恩覆灭,苍茫宇宙焉存! 32页,$3.99,汽车人的最后一搏?见鬼,这也是霸天虎的困兽之斗?!Phil Jimenez 又掌控了TF的画笔。

 【OP好大的背后灵!老威你终于出现了!底下那一堆……我觉得都可以再抢救一下!!条子你咋又!!!大波你捏死的是谁啊?那么明亮的蓝色,是OP吧!很明显,大猛那张封面上,OP带着几位狂奔的镜头是G1片头动画。以及不叫汽车人和霸天虎,改叫巨无霸和原始兽吗?貌似时间有点乱……】 Transformers Regeneration One #100—GEM OF THE MONTH变形金刚:元祖漫画新篇#100——当月最佳 编剧Simon Furman (w) • 绘制Andrew Wildman & Guido Guidi (a) • 上色Andrew Wildman, Guidi (c) THE GREATEST ENEMY... the greatest challenge... shall come from within. And there will be an ending. This is it, the battle the TRANSFORMERS must win, and yet dare not. The original and founding TRANSFORMERS comic comes to an epic and giant-sized conclusion, with all-out battle on CYBERTRON. Or should that be “Cybertrons”? Shocks, surprises, guest stars and more. It may be a cliché, but this one really does have it all. 最大的敌人……最大的挑战……由内部显现。故事将会落幕。就是这样,变形金刚必须赢的战斗,不敢败落。原始的变形金刚漫画已经成为一部传奇,以塞伯特恩的全面战争带来了巨型的总结。或者应该说是“好几个塞伯特恩”?震惊、惊喜,客座明星等等等等。或许是个老生常谈,但确实如此。 48页,$5.99,能震惊得你魂飞魄散的第100话, Herb Trimpe与Geoff Senior各绘制一张特殊封面。

 【合着整部TF元祖漫,就是OP千方百计地带领大家培养后辈回家杀自己的故事……第三张是Robert Atkins负责上色的特制版本,和内容无关。】
当月还有元祖漫的1美元廉价印刷版、TFP-BH漫画合订本第2卷、X档案的穿越漫、G.I.JOE的互动漫。下面补个图。 G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #200—Subscription Variant
