RANSFORMERS ROBOTS IN DISGUISE TP VOL 05 变形金刚-非同凡响 合订本第5卷 (W) John Barber (A) Livio Ramondelli & Various (CA) Casey Coller The fate of Cybertron is sealed-but what is the DECEPTICON scientist SHOCKWAVE planning? In the wastelands of CYBERTRON, he makes his move prompting SOUNDWAVE and the rest of the DECEPTICONS to step up and stop him but in the end they are faced with the ultimate choice, will the DECEPTICONS stand with SHOCKWAVE-or will they join the AUTOBOTS? 包含17-22话,讲述红蜘蛛如何在塞星混乱的局势中登基的。相应作品已经汉化完毕。
TRANSFORMERS MORE THAN MEETS EYE #24 DARK CYBERTRON PART 4 变形金刚-超越视觉 #24暨黑暗塞博特恩#4 (W) James Roberts, John Barber (A) James Raiz & Various (CA) Casey Coller TRAPPED! Alone on a strange world, the crew of the Lost Light struggle against an unknown enemy-but what does this have to do with SHOCKWAVE's master plan? Answer: everything. Meanwhile, OPTIMUS PRIME finds an old friend in the Dead Universe! 陷入困境!寻光号的船员们在陌生的世界独自对抗者陌生的敌人——但这和震荡波的统治计划有何关联?答案:全部!同时,擎天柱在死亡宇宙找到了一位老友! 【黑暗的独眼巨人、灭世之人震荡波哟~~你下了多大一盘棋?OP是找到夜巡了吧。 此话预览http://www.tfg2.com/read.php?tid-47249-page-e.html#a