战小咪 |
2013-10-17 19:15 |
 编剧(W) Simon Furman 绘制(A) Guido Guidi (CA)上色 Andrew Wildman, Guido Guidi AND ONE SHALL RISE! Yep, a there's a new Prime on the block (and the old one isn't gone yet), and just in the nick of time too, as Cybertron shudders and reels under the dual assault of BLUDGEON and his WarWorld and a spitting mad GALVATRON. But is the advent of RODIMUS PRIME a boon for Cybertron or one more dark domino falling in the headlong rush to universal armageddon? 崛起之人!当塞博特恩在雾隐暗丈和他的战界以及疯疯癫癫的惊破天的双重攻击下,赛博特恩在颤抖喘息,在时间的缺口处,是的,一位新的领袖粉墨登场(上一代并未消逝)。但是补天士的到来对塞博特恩是福泽绵延还是引发环球末日的而倒下的第一块多米诺骨牌? 三页图透http://www.tfg2.com/read.php?tid-46936.html TRANSFORMERS ULTIMATE POP UP UNIVERSE HC 变形金刚:立体终极宇宙 (W)编辑 Matthew Reinhart New York Times-bestselling paper engineer Matthew Reinhart brings fans the quintessential, unforgettable Transformers pop-up experience, with never-before-seen paper engineering magic! Transformers shift, change, and rise to battle in this spectacular interactive pop-up adventure. Open each page to explore a different part of the vast Transformers universe - then pull the tabs to watch the pop-ups change into entirely new paper creations! Starring more than 35 iconic Transformers characters, Transformers: The Ultimate Pop-Up Universe offers fans new and old a pop-up experience they won't ever forget. 纽约时报畅销书设计师马修•莱因哈特以前所未有的纸纸品设计带给迷友们典型的、难忘的变形金刚立体书玩法!变形金刚将在这个壮观的交互式立体书弹出过程中完成转换、变形、起立、战斗的动作。翻开每一页去探索变形金刚广大宇宙的不同部分——然后集中精力观看立体书页变成全新的纸品精灵!超过35个变形金刚的标志性人物,此书将带给新老迷友们没齿难忘的跃动经历!【请看TFW2005的坛友Gearshift分享的图片,原载于http://imgur.com/D4QQlJS,cpCzdFy,gLIVbQ0,7VaYyHu,QEoXtV6,l7OS6ni,Be47TbI,m7yfcgF,Cq0LygP,PVEhyss,pnvz2jU】

 附上亚马逊的链接http://www.amazon.cn/mn/detailApp/ref=asc_df_0316186635633876/?asin=0316186635&tag=INSERT_TAG_HERE&creative=2384&creativeASIN=0316186635&linkCode=asn&tag=eqifarebate-23&ascsubtag=65742|1|bi_100000 【啊!我看到了老条子和小特务!!!土豪们,你们上场的时间到了!】