战小咪 |
2013-10-11 13:53 |
来自IDW社DA站 DARK CYBERTRON#1 首页脚本 TRANSFORMERS: DARK CYBERTRON ISSUE #1 Dialog by John Barber & James RobertsDraft 2 (July 12, 2013) PAGE ONE 1/ Deep space, millions of years ago, near the star GORLAM. A planet, GORLAMPRIME, orbits the star. The starship ARK-1 approaches a SPACE ANOMALY in the Benzuli Expanse, a region of deep space. (We've seen fragments of this sequence hereand there, but never the whole thing. There should be some reference of the anomaly). 1 LOCATOR: Deep space. 2 NOVA PRIME (INSIDE): What is that? 2/ Inside, we see the main crew. (There are dozens of crew members, but there are somekey players on the bridge.) NOVA PRIME commands the ship, with GALVATRON and CYCLONUS at his side. JHIAXUS responds to Nova’s question--in terms of command structure, Jhiaxus, the scientist, is second only to Nova. Jhiaxus is scheming, untrusting; Nova is powerful; a commanding, fascistic, presence. Galvatron is the chief warrior, brutal and barbarous—Conan as a Transformer; Cyclonus a more thoughtful, philosophic warrior. All these guys are important to the rest of the series. TAILPIPE, who we’ve never seen but has been established as being there, sits at the controls. Also around, as needed, are SCOURGE, GRINDCORE and STRAXUS (all seen in previous comics). 3 JHIAXUS: It is… an anomaly of some manner, Nova Prime. 4 NOVA PRIME: I can tell that by looking, Jhiaxus. 5 NOVA PRIME: I require your keen scientific mind to provide amore elaborate explanation. 6 NOVA PRIME: Does your “anomaly” present a danger to our mission? 3/ Jhiaxus looks at a monitor, displaying the anomaly. 7 JHIAXUS: My apologies, Lord Nova. This… this is likenothing I’ve seen. 8 JHIAXUS: The energy radiating from it… is utterly unique. 4/ Cyclonus pushes up next to Jhiaxus, examining the readings. 9 CYCLONUS: Let me see. 10 JHIAXUS: Cyclonus, you overstep your bounds. It’s bad enough that Galvatron has allowed you to— 5/ Galvatron taps his fusion cannon against Jhiaxus chest, sternly, like you mind stick outan arm to stop someone from doing something wrong. Cyclonus doesn’t react, he looks at the readings. 11 JHIAXUS: —erp. 12 SFX: KLANK 13 CYCLONUS: Hm… 首页铅笔稿
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