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2013-08-16 08:56 |
从11月开始TF的故事将正式进入黑暗塞博特恩系列, 一共12话 编剧会是由James 和John共同执笔 期待JR和JB的再度合作 神棍和神交的联手! 可惜一看画师没了Alex, 还我艾老湿啊啊啊啊 1. Dark Cybertron #1 [attachment=63347][attachment=63348] Transformers: Dark Cybertron #1—SPOTLIGHT 变形金刚:黑暗塞博特恩#1 编剧James Roberts & John Barber (w) • 画师Phil Jimenez & Andrew Griffith with Brendan Cahill (a) • 上色Jimenez (c) THE END OF EVERYTHING! SHOCKWAVE makes a move millions of years in the planning—an ultimate plan to remake Cybertron and destroy both the Autobots and Decepticons! Bringing together the casts of the hit MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE and ROBOTS IN DISGUISE for the first time in two years! Bullet points: • The biggest Transformers event in comic book history! • Art by superstar PHIL JIMENEZ and Transformers fan-favorite ANDREW GRIFFITH! • Writing by Transformers greats JAMES ROBERTS & JOHN BARBER! • All your favorite Transformers characters together! • Variant covers by Phil Jimenez and Andrew Griffith! 一切的尽头!震荡波开始了上百万年前谋划的行动——一项改造塞博特恩消灭汽车人和霸天虎终极计划!两年中《超越视觉》与《非同凡响》的强大阵容首次联袂出演!【NOVA又被挖出来鞭尸了!哈哈哈哈!!】 看点:1.史上最大变形金刚事件!【其实之前也存在一话号称史上最大的。没办法,历史的车轮在前进,压死的炮灰不留名。长江后浪推前浪,前浪死在沙滩上嘛。】 2.漫画界超级巨星PHIL JIMENEZ与迷友大爱的ANDREW GRIFFITH继续发光发热,多版本封面圈钱计划依旧实行!封面企划B是由CC绘制,只提供给忠实的实体书订阅客户,快去漫画实体店抢购吧!Transformers: Dark Cyberton #1—Subscription Variant 【国内的大家围观一下就好。】 3.黑暗塞伯特恩#1将出版豪华典藏版!Transformers: Dark Cyberton #1—Deluxe Edition 包含所有创作原稿!IDW圈钱计划的经典复制!还等什么!快准备好7.99美刀迎接这本48页的典藏特辑!【只要7.99!!!只要7.99!!!!】 4.双J合璧,剧情将让你五体投地。【卒……】 2. MTMTE 23 (Dark Cybertron 2) [attachment=63349][attachment=63350] Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye #23: Dark Cybertron Part 2 (of 12) 变形金刚:超越视觉#23暨黑暗塞博特恩#2编剧James Roberts & John Barber (w) • 绘制James Raiz, Atilio Rojo & Livio Ramondelli (a) • 上色Casey W. Coller (c) THE DEAD UNIVERSE! ORION PAX—the ’bot who was once OPTIMUS PRIME—joins RODIMUS and the crew of the Lost Light in a desperate bid to outmaneuver SHOCKWAVE—by returning to the legendary Dead Universe! Meanwhile, BUMBLEBEE faces down the biggest—literally biggest—threat he’s ever seen on CYBERTRON! Bullet points: • The TRANSFORMERS comics event of the decade continues! • Co-written by regular MTMTME writer James Roberts and RID writer John Barber! • Variant cover by Phil Jimenez! 死亡宇宙!奥利安·派克斯——曾经的擎天柱——加入了补天士的寻光号,一同绞尽脑汁智取震荡波——返回传说中的死亡宇宙!同时,大黄蜂面临着他在塞博特恩上见过的最大的——真正字面意义上最大的——威胁!【BBB你怎么又变身变回去了?画师和编剧又没沟通么?可是为什么那么像BBB英雄传的封面?!】 看点:1.近十年变形金刚漫画剧情的串联!【好好捋一捋剧情哈。】 2.双J联手。【生子狂人X神交圣手】 3.【警察蜀黍:】骗钱的封面是Phil Jimenez绘制的!忠诚订阅客户限定实体书Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye #23: Dark Cybertron Part 2 (of 12) Subscription Variant 仍在漫画书店发售,封面由行动三部曲系列绘师E.J. Su操刀。DW时代A版大手幸运小子James Raiz回归,所以这一话是三J!! 3. RID 23 (Dark Cybertron 3) [attachment=63351][attachment=63352] Transformers: Robots in Disguise #23: Dark Cybertron Part 3 (of 12) 变形金刚:非同凡响#23暨黑暗塞博特恩#3编剧John Barber & James Roberts (w) • 绘制James Raiz, Atilio Rojo (a) • 上色Casey W. Coller (c) STARSCREAM UNDER FIRE! The all-new, all-redesigned, all-leader-of-the-planet STARSCREAM makes his move! Will he stand up for CYBERTRON, or fall under SHOCKWAVE’s onslaught? Meanwhile—the Lost Light receives a desperate call from help from an old friend! Bullet points: • The TRANSFORMERS comics event of the decade continues! • Co-written by regular RID writer John Barber and MTMTME writer James Roberts! • Variant cover by Phil Jimenez! 红蜘蛛遭到攻击!全新的、彻底重制的、全球的领袖红蜘蛛开始行动!他会屹立于塞博特恩还是会坠落于震荡波的猛攻?同时——寻光号收到了老朋友绝望的求助!【A大红:为了我……】 看点:1.近十年变形金刚漫画剧情的串联!【敢不敢换一句?!】 2.双J联手。【生子狂人X神交圣手……敢不敢换一句?!】 3.骗钱的封面是Phil Jimenez绘制的!【敢不敢……?】忠诚订阅客户限定实体书Transformers: Robots in Disguise #23: Dark Cybertron Part 3 (of 12)—Subscription Variant 仍在漫画书店发售,封面由性感使魔NR负责。【终于换了一句……仍有James Raiz参与绘制。看那只A大红就知道了!】
4. TFP Beast Hunter [attachment=63353][attachment=63354] Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters #7 变形金刚:领袖之证-野兽猎人#7 编剧Mairghread Scott & Mike Johnson (w) • 绘制Agustin Padilla (a) • 上色Ken Christiansen (c) With Cybertron reborn, the Dinobots have made their way to the surface. But now, the war has returned and the Dinobots are caught in the maelstrom. With old allies joining the battle, can the Dinobots take back Cybertron? Bullet points: • Animation art variant cover! 当塞博特恩重生,机器恐龙回到地表。但目前,战事再开,机器恐龙再陷其中。当老盟友加入战局,机器恐龙能否夺回塞博特恩?【要是没有恐龙们,这一部怕是卖不动了吧。何时有老条子呢?】 看点:动画风格的多款封面! 5. RegenOne 96 [attachment=63355][attachment=63356] Transformers Regeneration One #96 变形金刚:元祖漫画新篇#96 编剧Simon Furman (w) • 绘制Guido Guidi (a) • 上色Andrew Wildman, Guidi (c) ZERO INITIATIVE! As RODIMUS PRIME urgently struggles to comprehend the what, why, and wherefore of SPIKE WITWICKY, GALVATRON, JHIAXUS, and a DARK MATRIX creature, and specifically how they contribute to the final dissolution of time, space and everything in between! Unless NIGHTBEAT and BUMBLEBEE can shake loose some answers, the future—is cancelled. Bullet points: • Order 10 copies, get one free Artist’s Edition Geoff Senior variant cover! 从零开始!当补天士【RODIMUS PRIME!正名了!!】努力理解斯派克·维特维奇、惊破天、覆灭煞君和黑暗领导模块造物究竟何方神圣、目的何、如何关联时,这一切已经导致了时间、空间和一切事物的消散!除非夜巡和大黄蜂能够找到答案,而未来——注销了! 看点:买十赠一(自由艺术家Geoff Senior绘制的封面)! 6.1:100PENNY PRESS双线廉价印刷版 [attachment=63358][attachment=63359] Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye #1: 100-Penny Press & Transformers: Robots in Disguise #1: 100-Penny Press 《超越视觉》与《非同凡响》双线第一话的廉价印刷版本。封面可以作为壁画来用。仅售1美元。
7.超越视觉合订本 [attachment=63361]
Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye, Vol. 5 变形金刚:超越视觉 合订本第5卷 编剧James Roberts (w) • 绘制上色Alex Milne (a & c) MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE's first full-blown epic moves into high gear as RODIMUS leads his crew to the gates of heaven—or hell. But larger forces are closing in and an ancient plan is reaching fruition—and as an old friend calls time on the AUTOBOTS' quest, one thing becomes clear: the LEGISLATORS are on the march. TPB • FC • $19.99 • 152 pages • ISBN: 978-1-61377-802-9 Bullet points: • Collects issues #17–22. 包含17-22话。
8.英版元祖合订集 [attachment=63360]
Transformers Classics UK, Vol. 5 变形金刚:英版元祖漫合订集第5卷编剧Simon Furman, Ian Rimmer & Richard Starkings (w) • 绘制Jeff Anderson, Geoff Senior, Dan Reed, Bryan Hitch, Lee Sullivan, Robin Smith (a) • 上色Andrew Wildman (c) Classic TRANSFORMERS tales from the UK continuity! These vintage TF stories are presented in order, many published for the first time in the United States! Writer and life-long TF fan James Roberts provides in-depth historical perspective front matter in each volume, and TFUK artist Andrew Wildman provides new covers! TPB • FC • $29.99 • 296 pages • ISBN: 978-1-61377-714-5 Bullet points: • Collects the UK specific stories in issues #145–179 plus the 1988 Annual. 这一卷由JR写了深入剖析剧情的扉页引言,AW重新绘制了封面,英派团队再次强强联手的推荐!包含英版元祖漫画的145-179话和1988年年刊。 9.疑似特种部队的CROSS [attachment=63362] 特种部队:特殊任务 #9的封面B,疑似又CROSS了。目前尚无具体信息。