战小咪 |
2013-07-25 09:56 |
Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye #19 变形金刚—超越视觉#19 编剧James Roberts (w) • 绘制Alex Milne (a) • 上色Milne, Sean Chen (c) BETRAYAL! The Lost Light may be occupied by enemy forces, but that’s the least of RODIMUS’ problems! As he awaits execution, the one-time Matrix holder realizes how little he knows about the people he once called friends. Is there anyone left he can trust? And where does the legendary STAR SABER fit into all this? 背叛!寻光号可能会被敌军占领,但只是补天士最简单的难题!当他等待死刑时,曾经是领导模块的持有者的他意识到自己对曾经的朋友知之甚少。剩下的还有谁能够信任?而传奇人物皇者之剑又是怎么搅合进来的? 看点:1.特绘封面Nick Roche绘制,32页,$3.99。 2.“驻留光中”的游戏仍将继续! 3.包涵重要启示!