战小咪 |
2013-07-12 20:24 |
Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye #22 变形金刚:超越视觉#22

 编剧James Roberts (w) • 绘制James Raiz (a) •上色 Alex Milne, Nick Roche (c) MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE: THE MOVIE! When the Autobots set off on their mission to find the Knights of Cybertron, RODIMUS gave REWIND a simple instruction: film everything. The result is a documentary that will forever change your perception of life on board the Lost Light. Discover RUNG’s secret! Meet the greatest Autobot of all time! And learn what SKIDS really got up to on Hedonia! 超越所见:大电影!当汽车人踏上他们寻找塞博特恩骑士的旅程时,补天士交给发条一个简单的指示:拍摄一切事物。结果就是这些纪录片将彻底改变你对寻光号的认知。发觉横档的秘密!来见见与世长存的最伟大的汽车人!你还将了解到刹车在海多利亚到底想起了什么! 看点:2版封面 32页 3.99美元 本话是黑暗塞博特恩的开端,下个月将会是TF漫画史上大条的事件。 Phil Jimenez绘制刹车版封面。 【顺便说一下,ALEX老湿在吐槽新近加盟官方的日本同人画手KOTTERI为他选择的BOTCON群像是土肥圆BBB之后【信息量好大……】,彻底在推上换了BBB做头像。前几天还在推上放风:“19话画得超爽!”、“你们猜猜20画谁回来了?”不过好景不长,最近一条是:“JR!你简直就是魔鬼啊!这20话把老子的玉手都要画抽筋了!”放风一时爽,细节悔断肠。【揍!!】 Transformers: Robots in Disguise #22 变形金刚:非同凡响#22
 编剧John Barber (w) • 绘制Andrew Griffith and Livio Ramondelli (a) • 上色Griffith, Casey Coller (c) SOUNDWAVES! The origin of SOUNDWAVE concludes as the master of sound confronts SHOCKWAVE in the ruins of Cybertron! Will they be friend—or foe? Will the DECEPTICONS stand with SHOCKWAVE—or will they join the AUTOBOTS? It’s the moment of ultimate choice 声波!声波的故事由他作为声音的主宰在塞博特恩的废墟中遭遇震荡波开始!他们是敌是友?霸天虎会支持震荡波还是加入汽车人?终极抉择的时刻! 看点:2版封面 32页 3.99美元 本话是黑暗塞博特恩的开端,下个月将会是TF漫画史上大条的事件。Livio Ramondelli 会把20和21话绘制连锁变换的作品。 【其实最大的看点是官方用剧情简介搅基。之前黑暗塞博特恩序章的简介是“SHOCKWAVES!”大波小波这一对也一直在老威身边阳奉阴违N百万年了,这一次是相爱相杀还是回家领证就看官方了。但是这封面我觉得符合“师徒四人”的设定(并不是!)。】 Transformers Regeneration One #95元祖漫画新篇#95
 编剧Simon Furman (w) • 绘制Guido Guidi (a) • 上色Andrew Wildman, Guidi (c) AND ONE SHALL RISE! Yep, a there’s a new Prime on the block (and the old one isn’t gone yet), and just in the nick of time too, as Cybertron shudders and reels under the dual assault of BLUDGEON and his WarWorld and a spitting mad GALVATRON. But is the advent of RODIMUS PRIME a boon for Cybertron or one more dark domino falling in the headlong rush to universal armageddon? 崛起之人!当塞博特恩在雾隐暗丈和他的战界以及疯疯癫癫的惊破天的双重攻击下,赛博特恩在颤抖喘息,在时间的缺口处,是的,一位新的领袖粉墨登场(上一代并未消逝)。但是补天士的到来对塞博特恩是福泽绵延还是引发环球末日的而倒下的第一块多米诺骨牌? 看点:2版封面 32页 3.99美元 上世纪80年代TF漫画的大主笔西蒙福尔曼续作!是元祖新篇在发人省醒的终章前倒数第二个故事!Geoff Senior绘制可选封面。 【深深一种补黑的即视感……还会有YY纹么?】 Transformers: Art of Prime 变形金刚:领袖之证原画
 编辑Jim Sorenson (w) • 多人绘制Various (a) Explore the rich world of Transformers Prime! Loaded with character animation models, concept art, interviews with the creators and more, Transformers: The Art of Prime provides and unprecendented look behind the scenes of bringing the TF movie universe to the small screen. Jim Sorenson (Transformers The Ark, Transformers AllSpark Almanac) brings this deep, vivid world into focus! HC • FC • $49.99 • 200 pages • 9.5” x 12.5” • ISBN 978-1-61377-790-9 探索变形金刚领袖之证的多彩世界!载入了角色的动画模型、概念图、创作者访谈等等。此本画集提供了领袖之证由TF电影宇宙到方寸画面的台前幕后。Jim Sorenson (方舟、火种源年鉴)将带给我们这个宇宙深刻而生动的看点。 看点:硬皮 49.99美元 200页 9.5寸x12.5寸 书号978-1-61377-790-9 【多么像圣斗士的封面啊!】 Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters #6 (of 8)变形金刚领袖之证:野兽猎人#6
 编剧Mairghread Scott & Mike Johnson (w) • 绘制Agustin Padilla (a) • 上色Ken Christiansen (c) With Cybertron reformed, the underground tunnels and caves have become unstable. It’s up to the DINOBOTS to lead the underground survivors to safety on the surface. But with the waters rising and the walls collapsing, making it out alive may be tougher than it sounds… 随着塞博特恩的重铸,地下管道和洞穴变得不再稳定。地下幸存者将由机械恐龙带领回到地表的安全地带。但随着水位上涨墙体塌陷,全身而退难上加难…… 看点:2版封面 32页 3.99美元 动画风格的封面设计! 【抗洪抢险龙之队。】 Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters, Vol. 1变形金刚领袖之证:野兽猎人 合订本第1卷
 编剧Mairghread Scott & Mike Johnson (w) • 绘制Agustin Padilla (a) • 上色Ken Christiansen (c) They were there when CYBERTRON fell—but what happened to the DINOBOTS for the past few thousand years? Here’s a hint—GRIMLOCK and company haven’t been sitting around and relaxing! The time is now—the place is CYBERTRON—and the recipe is ACTION! TPB • FC • $17.99 • 104 pages • ISBN 978-1-61377-743-5 当塞博特恩陨落,他们仍驻留母星——但是几千年前机械恐龙经历了什么事情?这有个暗示——钢锁和他的同伴们没有袖手旁观!就是现在——就在塞博特恩——就是要行动! 看点:合订卷 17.99美元 104页 书号 978-1-61377-743-5 包含1-4话