GALAXY FORCE (银河之力) 最后3集的简介
在TFORMER上, 放出了GALAXY FORCE (银河之力) 最后3集的简介
Story 50 - "At the Time of the End, a Beacon of Hope"
Convoy approaches Galvatron to take the chip square and planet force. However, Galvatron is drawing out the power of the planet force and Thundercracker is bathed in the aura begins to grow in size...
第50集 - "最后时刻, 希望的火花"
为了夺回矩阵和行星之力护卫队向惊破天逼近. 然而, 此时惊破天正在从行星之力中吸取能量, 同时沐浴在光芒之中的惊天雷正慢慢的开始变大....
Story 51 - "Galaxy Convoy Vs Master Galvatron, the Final Decisive Battle"
Galvatron who is worn out and without power wanders through the universe. At that time, something shining catches his eye. A voice of Starscream is heard and ask "Do You Give Up?/Have You Given Up?
第51集 - "最终的决战 - 星辰擎天柱大战神威惊破天"
精疲力尽的惊破天丧失了在宇宙空间移动的能力.这时, 他的眼前闪过一些光芒. 红蜘蛛的声音正在问他" 你放弃了吗? 还是你已经放弃了?"
Final Story - "A New Beginning"
Representatives of each planet have successively gathered together on Seibertron. The First Space Peace Conference opens with Galaxy Convoy. Galaxy Convoy makes proposes a construction plan of a new space bridge.
终片 - "新的开始"
各个星球的代表汇聚到塞博坦. 首届宇宙和平大会在星辰擎天柱的主持下召开了. 星辰擎天柱制定了出关于建造新空间桥的计划.
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