回复: 官方·合体战争——泰坦级
闪电和大火车套装、录音机和感知器套装(磁带好像是钢钎和犀牛,感知器 的肩炮有特殊用处类似能看幻灯片)
US re-release tripticon, conheads set, blitzwing & astrotrain set, Perceptor & Blaster set: cassettes included looks like to be the animals, and the shoulder cannon on perceptor has some special purpose, rumored to be able to view slide shows
idw的大力神确实不错绝对泰坦级,因为是全年龄的所以单体的变形大家就别指望了,展示品都是手工未完成品 貌似肘关节不能动,组合方面下半年还有一个守护神,但只展示了热点感觉也一般。滑翔机还有一个紫色狂派
重涂 不知道叫什么,同级别还有个战戟,还有几个没记住。坦克威确实不错还有个绿色。
IDW Devastator is indeed Titan class, because it's designed for all ages, do not expect much in terms of individual bot's transformations (complexity i presume). displayed toy looks like a WIP hand-made (or painted) prototype and joints do not seem to move (my guess it's like the combiner wars at SDCC where the joints are hot glued?). for combiner wars, the latter half of the year will feature defensor, but for now they only showed hotspot but doesn't look too interesting. powerglide will have a purple decepticon repaint but dunno what the new name will be. other combiner wars legend class (like powerglide) include warpath and a few others that i couldn't remember. there will be a green repaint for the tank (assuming he's referring to warpath)
日版:会有很多D级人物,都不是主线人物所以没细看,ps擎天柱和md老威不错但站立有些困难。组合方面增 加电镀和还原单体成员G1配色。
japan releases: will have alot of deluxe class characters, but they aren't main characters do i didnt pay attention. PSX prime and MD megs is not bad but do not seem to stand pretty well. bundles (my guess is JP releases of generations figures?) will have additional chrome and more G1 accurate colors
MP:今年预计就发5个,mp25和某宝放出的预定款一样,配件是洛尔和收音机,大家去看看52集就懂了, 只看了灰模貌似可动性又提高了不少。21G没有斯派克改成飞行背包了比较坑,但官方介绍会降低 售价。
MP: there will be 5 MPs this year. MP25 is the same as the rumors going around (tracks/ironhide). accessories include.....something (my guess will be Raoul and a radio (blaster) in reference to season 2 episode 36 "auto-bop"). they showed a gray prototype and looks posability is good. MP21G (G2 bee) will only include a jet pack replacing the exo-suit, but the price will be adjusted and reduced
: 以上来自 " 非死不可“, 大家等等看吧。