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TFW2005 James Roberts的访谈 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 0 发表于: 2012-07-26
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Tomorrow, More Than Meets The Eye's 7th issue will hit comic shelves and the Comixology app. Well, we here at TFW have a special treat for you. An interview with the man behind the bots, Mr. James Roberts. I've had the pleasure of interviewing James via e-mail over the last few weeks, and we're very excited to share with you his answers to several questions that may be burning in the back of your brain. So, click on the title bar and get ready to learn more about the Decepticon Justice Divison, Overlord, and the Decepticon version of the Lost Light.  
明天,超越视觉第7集就要上架了。这里,我们在铁饭碗有特别礼物给你。金刚们背后的人,James Roberts的采访。我很高兴可以在过去几周通过电子邮件采访James Roberts,并且我们也很激动于能给你们分享他对几个会让你想破头的问题的回答。所以,准备学习更多关于DJD,霸王还有霸天虎版寻光号的知识吧。

Make sure you check out the interview; and tomorrow pick up More Than Meets The Eye #7, where we will meet the mysterious and deadly Decepticon Justice Division. Special thanks to TFW Staff for helping gather up questions! Enjoy!
一定要读这篇采访;明天也记得去买超越视觉7,我们会遇上神秘且致命的DJD。特别感谢铁饭碗工作人员 帮助收集问题!

TFW: Thanks again for your time; I'm going to get right into it then. I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to nerd-out on you. 再次感谢你的时间,我就开门见山了。希望你别介意,但我可能会问倒你。

JR: Nerd-out is good. I can handle nerd-out. :-)  

TFW: I’ve seen several comparisons of your work on Last stand of The Wreckers and Eugenesis as "Watchmen for the Transformers”. How does that make you feel and what do you consider to be the legacy of Last Stand of the Wreckers? What do you hope for the legacy of More Than Meets The Eye? 我看到过有人把你的作品LSOTW和Eugenesis比作“变形金刚的守望者”。这让你有何感受,并且你认为LSOTW的遗产是什么?你希望超越视觉能遗留下什么?

JR: Any favorable comparison between Probably The Greatest Comic Ever and anything that I've been involved in makes me grin like a loon, even if such a comparison is insanely generous. I would hope that if there's even the slightest link to be made with Watchmen it comes from the fact that, with Last Stand (which of course was co-written with the mighty Nick Roche) and certainly with MTMTE, I've tried to write dense, layered stories that invite (and hopefully reward) close scrutiny.
任何将可能是史上最赞的漫画与任何我参与的作品进行的有趣对比都可以让我笑得像个傻瓜,即使这样的对比也是对我太厚爱了。我想如果这和守望者即使有最细微的联系,那也是源自这样一个事实:在LSOTW(和大神Nick Roche合作编写的)和超越视觉里,我尽力写出了深刻、有层次的故事,以吸引(也希望作为某种奖励)读者仔细阅读。

They say the arrival of the VCR contributed to the move away from straightforward, standalone TV episodes in favor of more complex narrative arcs that unfolded over a whole season, because audiences could re-watch episodes and pick up on details that they missed. With comics, the option of reviewing what's gone before has always been there, and should be exploited. I'm not saying you make every story so continuity-heavy that it becomes impenetrable to the casual fan, but you should bear in mind that regular readers will go back and re-read what's gone before, and certain scenes and lines of dialog etc will take on new meaning as the series progresses. I love the idea of something that at first seemed throwaway or incidental becoming important down the line. I’m trying to do that with MTMTE.

I've said before that I'm a great believer in world building, and knowing that readers are going to re-read old issues allows me to construct certain back-stories in a non-sequential (and therefore hopefully a more subtle and organic) way. Not everything needs to be signposted, and not all the details need to be revealed in order, or even flagged up as being important. And where IDW and Hasbro have been absolutely fantastic is in giving me the freedom to seed each issue of MTMTE with references to characters or concepts or events that may only make sense six months down the line when you can line up all the references side by side, rearrange them, and realize that all this apparently disparate information coalesces into, say, a history of the rise and fall (and rise?) of the Militant Monoform Movement. Again, we’re talking theory here—it’s early days!
我曾说过我对构造世界有极大信念,并且深知读者会重新阅读往期剧集而使我可以构筑某些幕后故事,以一种不连续的顺序(也因此很可能是一种更微秒更生动的顺序)。不是每样东西都需要标示,也不是所有细节都需要按顺序崭露,甚至标明“这很重要”。IDW和孩之宝绝对了不起的地方是,他们给了我在每期超越视觉里埋下人物或概念或事件的伏笔的自由,可能在六个月后当你把所有故事串起来、重新排列后才会有意义,并且意识到所有这些表面上不相干的信息合并为,这么说吧,一段Militant Monoform Movement的大起大落(然后再大起?)的历史。再强调一遍,我们只是在说理论上的情况——现在还言之尚早!

As for the legacy of MTMTE (and it feels weird to be thinking of a time post-MTMTE), I just hope the series is remembered with fondness. I want to tell character-driven stories that mix humor, drama and pathos, so if - however far down the line - people think that, on balance, I achieved that, I'll be more than happy.    

TFW: IDW has had a history with the Transformers license. You recently drew upon Simon Furman's run with the appearance of Ratchet’s holomatter avatar. What are some other previous ideas you plan on touching upon from older IDW stories? IDW已经获得变形金刚的许可不少时间了。你最近重拾了Simon Furman创造的救护车实体光学虚拟体。你计划涉及到的旧的IDW故事里的创意还有哪些?

JR: You don't really want me to give these secrets away, do you? Suffice to say that like John Barber, (writer, editor and continuity maven) I very much want the story of the Transformers as told through IDW's comics - from Simon's Infiltration onwards - to be enjoyed as one huge, interconnected, still-unfolding saga. And that means resurrecting ideas that date back to the beginning, and resolving apparent disconnects, and filling in the gaps. Provided it's in service to the story you're telling at the time, of course.  
你并不真的希望我把这些秘密说出来,对吧?可以说,我就像John Barber(作者,编辑和分镜专家)一样,非常希望IDW漫画所述说的变形金刚故事——从Simon的Infiltration开始——能被作为一个巨大的、互相关联的、不断发展的传说来欣赏。也就是说,不断发掘出前期的创意、解决表面上的不关联、填补空隙。当然,这些都是在为你正在述说的故事服务。

TFW:  If your version of Overlord and IDW Megatron finally did get to meet in battle, who would you imagine winning the fight? And, Is Overlord gone or is there a chance he might return? Would he still be a threat after learning of Megatron's apparent demise and losing his will to fight? 如果你的版本里霸王和IDW威震天最后见面并且打起来,你觉得谁会赢?并且,霸王死得真真的了还是他还有机会回来?即使知道了威震天看起来死了并且他也不再想打了,霸王会依然是一个威胁吗?

JR: Hmm. You're asking me these questions before you've read issue 6. By now you'll know that there's a 100% chance of Overlord making a reappearance: he's trapped underneath the Lost Light, rebuilt but sans weapons, apparently asking to be killed. How he got there and where he'll end up next will of course be explored in future issues. I'll say this much: he didn't come with the Lost Light. He's not like the sparkeater, who was overlooked when members of Team Rodimus chose the ship. He's where he is for a very specific reason.

As for who would win in a fight, Overlord or Megatron, like all the best fights it's open to debate. Rather than hazard a guess we'll have to see if that particular scenario ever plays out in the comics.  

TFW: You have new characters such as Rung, the Duobots and Pharma (To name but only a few!). Why the need to create new characters instead of utilizing existing characters?  你有了新的人物比如横档双胞金刚药王(还能说几个但并不多!)。为什么需要创造新的人物而不是使用现有的人物?

JR: Ooh, good question. There's a few reasons: sometimes it's fun to start with a blank slate, character-wise, and to do that you either need to pick an obscenely obscure G1 toy like Fullcharger, who just exists as a limited edition Mini Autobot from 1985, or you make up your own. The added benefit of making up your own is that you avoid Small Universe Syndrome, where a few hundred characters all know each other even though at one time there were millions if not billions of Cybertronians. I made Fullcharger up, by the way. And I’m not immune to Small Universe Syndrome—sometimes, it works, and it’s fun.

I created Rung because I wanted an Autobot psychiatrist and none of the existing characters fitted the bill. And I got the make the Jung/Rung joke. Oh, and I wanted him to look a certain way - thin and tubular and unimposing, with eyebrows like Death's Head's. Because the world would be a better place if we all had eyebrows like Death's Head.
我创造了横档是因为我希望有一个汽车人的精神病专家,但是现有的人物里没有符合的人物。并且我想弄一个Jung和Rung的玩笑。[Carl Gustav Jung,瑞士心理学家和精神病专家,发明了分析心理学]噢,并且我也希望他有个特定的外形——瘦、管状的且没有威严,有Death's Head那样的眉毛。因为如果我们都有Death's Head那样的眉毛的话世界会变得更好。[Death's Head,Simon Furman和画师Geoff Senior为英国marvel漫画在变形金刚里创造的人物,一个赏金猎人。一开始试图得到补天士发出的对惊破天的赏金而回到1980年代。补天士认识到发布赏金的行为不妥后跟随他回到过去阻止他毁灭了惊破天,强迫他回到了未来。vol.1 Issue 120. 中,随后,Death's Head又和霸天虎签了契约来干掉补天士,他觉得这桩生意是个享受。但是,补天士更聪明,买通他让他干掉狂飙和瘟疫。vol.1 Issue 134.中,接下来的一年,Death's Head一直追赶他们,最终在垃圾星遭遇,在那里他们全都被宇宙大帝心灵控制了。。。故事好长偏题了]

I suppose I could have used Fastlane and Cloudraker instead of the Duobots, but - here's another reason for avoiding toy-based characters - I knew they were going to die. I don't like knocking off 'named' G1ers unless there's a good reason for it. And I got to call them Shock and Ore (which if you're British sounds the same as Shock and Awe). Hmm. People are going to think that puns drive all my writing.
我认为我可以用浪子腾云代替双胞金刚, 但是——这是要避免使用来自玩具的人物的另外一个原因——我知道他们会死掉。我不喜欢干掉有名字的G1人物,除非有足够好的理由。并且我叫他们Shock and Ore震慑爆岩(如果你是用英式发音的话会像Shock and Awe[震慑行动,军事用语,以压倒性的力量摧毁地方意志])恩。。。人们会觉得双关语主导了我的写作。

With Pharma, again, which other pre-existing Autobot medic could I have used? Fixit's on Cybertron, First Aid's already on Delphi... not too many to choose from. More importantly, I needed a character who had a jet as an alt mode. With Ambulon, I needed someone who just turns into a leg. That was evidently a made-to-order character.

And if you make one up a character from scratch and he proves popular and interesting with fans, you know it's because of the strength of his personality and not because he has a cool toy.

TFW: You said Pharma needed to be a jet, yet he never changed into one. Why the need for a jet alt mode? Or have we not seen the last of Pharma? 你说药王需要变成一个喷气机,虽然他从来没有变形过。为什么会需要一个喷气机形态?或者是我们还没有看到药王的最终结局?

JR: Pharma needed to be able to change into a jet so that when he was dangling from the ledge he could face that dilemma: fall and die, or fly and die.

Have we seen the last of him? Maybe not. I like the idea of Ratchet having a nemesis. Other crew-members have nemeses too, we’ve just not met them yet…  

TFW: Also, will we see more of these original characters appear in MTMTE such as the Heliobots or Tremorcons? 也许,我们会在超越视觉里看到更多的原创人物,比如Heliobots[弹簧似乎层服役过的直升机金刚小队,小说中出现]或者Tremorcons[成员都有引起地震能力的霸天虎小队,小说中出现]?

JR: Very probably. In fact, yes.  

TFW: We’ve seen comic characters such as Straxus and Drift get Transformer toys. From your new crop of Transformer characters who would you want to see make the jump from comic pages to store shelves? 我们看到漫画人物比如混世魔王漂移都有了玩具。在你的新的人物里你最想看到谁从漫画纸上跳到商店货架上?

Rung! Rung or Pharma. If we're talking MTMTE versions of old toys, then Swerve or Tailgate. Tailgate with his strangely balletic legs. Or a new Brainstorm with a working briefcase. I must confess in idle moments I dream up MTMTE merchandize like Lost Light trading cards or an engex pint glass from Swerve's Bar. Actually, the pint glass may have been someone else's idea. But it's a good one!  

TFW: I'm looking forward to seeing the Decepticon Justice Division. What can you say about them? Will they be all original characters? Old characters? Or a mixture of both? 我很期待看到DJD。关于他们你能说些什么?他们会都是原创人物吗?旧人物?或者都有?

JR: Issue 7 contains well known Decepticons and some new characters. It is a very, very Con-centric issue and I had a blast writing it. Everything's in there: Decepticon philosophy, iconography, military history, you name it.

TFW: Aside from the work you've contributed to, what is some of your favorite Transformers comic fiction from IDW, what is your favorite from other comic’s fiction? 除开你参与的作品,你最喜欢的IDW变形金刚漫画是什么,你最喜欢的别的漫画是什么?

JR: My favorite IDW stuff... Robots in Disguise consistently blows me out the water, so much so that I sort of dread reading it, if that makes sense. You beaver away at your own scripts then look at the "rival" ongoing and think, "Oh MAN that's good."

Autocracy caught me by surprise. Chris and Flint took Chaos Theory-era Cybertron and made it brutal and dangerous and thrilling. Livio's artwork punches you in the face - in a good way - and I hope all three reunite and give us more.
独裁让我吃了一惊。 Chris和Flint塑造了混沌时期的赛博特恩并且让它显得残忍、危险又惊心动魄的。Livio的画风在你脸上狠狠揍了一拳——以好的那种方式——我希望他们三个能再次组队做出更多作品。

What else? Simon Furman's early run contained ideas and concepts so strong that I find myself revisiting them, whether we're talking about infiltration protocols or solid light avatars or the Tyrest Accord.
还有别的吗? Simon Furman早期的作品包含了很强大的创意和理念,让我发现我总是在重复它们,不论是隐蔽协议还是实体光学虚拟体还是泰瑞斯协定

And of course I love Nick's Kup and Prowl spotlights. There's nothing else like them. In fact, stop what you're doing now - stop reading this - and go and re-read them. You can thank me later.

Outside of Transformers I'm a big fan of Kieron Gillen's work, from Phonogram onwards; I'd have fallen in love with Phonogram even if Kieron and I didn't have terrifyingly similar tastes in music (I think it has something to do with the fact that we both came of age during the Britpop era). Walking Dead is great, as is Chew, Fables, Locke & Key, Dan Slott's Spidey... lots of stuff. I still get a kick out of Grant Morrison, Brian Michael Bendis, Marks Millar and Waid - all the obvious geniuses.
变形金刚之外我是Kieron Gillen的大粉丝,从Phonogram开始;我和他在音乐品味上有惊人的相似(我想这是因为我们都从英伦摇滚时代成长过来)。Walking Dead也不错, 还有Chew, Fables, Locke & Key, Dan Slott's Spidey。。。很多。我也对Grant Morrison, Brian Michael Bendis, Marks Millar and Waid都很有好感——都显然是天才。

Not that it comes out any more, but David Rees' Get Your War On was brilliant, as was Nicolas Gurewitch's Perry Bible Fellowship.  
还不是全部。不过David Rees的Get Your War On很有才气,也得到了Nicolas Gurewitch's Perry Bible Fellowship。

TFW: Previous IDW trade paper backs are six issue story arcs collected. There was very much a sense of Transformers being written specifically to collect for trade. The first collection of More Than Meets the Eye only collects Death Of Optimus Prime and the first three issues of the series. Are you intentionally trying to not write for collected editions or is this just how things happened?

JR: Both John and I agreed early on that we wanted to tell more standalone or two-part stories, rather than stretch things out to fill five or six issues. Writing shorter stories forces you to come up with more ideas, which is good! And this sounds very old school and fanboy-ish, but I liked the idea of people looking at an MTMTE trade and not thinking "Oh, it collects the Dark Horizon storyline" (or whatever), but "Oh WOW, it collects the story with the sparkeater AND the Delphi two-parter AND that one where Fort Max loses it!" A real mix of stories.

MTMTE is written for the trade only insofar as there needs to be a good break point every four, five or six issues so that the trades don't end on a cliffhanger. You know, issue 6 of MTMTE was in my mind going to be the final issue in the first trade, but I'd reckoned without the need to place DoOP in either the RiD or MTMTE trades. It does make more sense in the latter.

All things being equal, Vol 2 of the MTMTE trade will reprint issues 4 to 8, and Vol 3 will include the Annual and the three-part Shadowland storyline. As for Vol 4... ooh, I don't even want to give away the title. And - since we're looking far into the future - none of the foregoing rules out the type of HUGE five- or six-part mega-epic that just maybe all this is leading to.  

TFW: IDW has come up with some crazy takes on characters such as Perceptor, Prowl and Arcee for example. You pulled this sort of thing off brilliantly with Fort Max in the latest issue. Fort Max was always a pacifist, so to see him go insane and on a shooting rampage was quite the juxtaposition to his character.  Who else are you looking forward to putting a new spin on and expand who that character is? IDW在人物上做了一些疯狂的尝试,比如感知器警车阿尔西。你很有才华地实现了这类事情,比如最新一期里的巨无福巨无福曾一直是一个和平主义者,所以看到他变得疯狂并且狂暴地射击确实是对他性格的另一种展示。还有谁是你期待着可以用新的主干来拓展开的?

JR: Generally speaking I don't go in for radical character overhauls - certainly not just for the sake of it. I mean, they can work, but I prefer to find the quintessential nature of an Autobot or Decepticon and stay true to that - although I may then add some new traits or exaggerate particular aspects.

Prior to his appearance in Wreckers and MTMTE there was nothing to suggest that any of Fort Max's pacifism had carried over from the Marvel run, so when I had him suffer his breakdown it was building on his modern day portrayal as more of a hard-bitten prison warden - someone who would take being defeated and humiliated in hand to hand combat very badly indeed.

When pulling together the MTMTE crew I did very deliberately go for characters who had little or no exposure in the IDW universe - Rewind, Chromedome, Skids, Tailgate, Rung (obviously), Swerve. In that sense – as I said earlier - they were blank slates, and I could build their personality either from scratch, or take something from their tech specs (like Chromedome's computer programming skills or Rewind's function as an archivist) and make it central to their character.

In the case of Skids I wanted to portray him as the opposite of what he was in the Marvel comics, but that's to serve a bigger purpose - that's not just 'let's turn his character on its head for the sake of it'. Oh, there’s lots going on with Skids. All will be revealed.  

TFW: If the Decepticons had decided to leave Cybertron to find the Knights Of Cybertron instead of the Autobots, which Decepticons would crew the ship? Who's on the Decepticon Lost Light crew? 如果是霸天虎而不是汽车人决定离开赛博特恩去寻找赛博特恩骑士,哪些霸天虎会成为船员?谁会在霸天虎版寻光号上?

JR: Blitzwing was originally going to be on the Lost Light. Um, Soundwave, I wanted. And Ravage. Even once the series was underway I was going to have Ravage appear on board about 12 issues in, having stowed away. But he'd appeared in the background of an RiD issue, I think, so that was that.

So yeah, my all-Decepticon crew would have had those three in it, plus Mindwipe, Dreadwind (were he still alive) - there are some others, but I won't mention them because you're going to meet them very soon. You see, there IS a Decepticon equivalent of the Lost Light crew. Watch this space...  

TFW: Is Ambulon really part of a combiner? Or does he just suffer from ”phantom limb syndrome”? ;)  急救车真的是一个组合金刚的一部分吗?还是他只是在遭受“幻肢综合症”》

JR: Ah, I think you're referring to the unnamed Autobot, mentioned in the text story 'Bullets', who sought help from Rung. Well, brace yourself, world, because here's an exclusive: it was Lightspeed. And Ambulon really does turn into a leg. You will see it in MTMTE - no, you'll see it on the front cover! I've just decided!

  TFW: What do you enjoy doing when you're not writing comic books? 你在不写漫画书时喜欢做什么?

JR: I'm usually reading, writing other stuff (non-TF stuff that may or may not ever see the light of day) or swimming, although I may have to start doing something more interesting in case anyone else asks me that question. In fact, let's add piloting experimental spycraft to that list. Yes - reading, writing, swimming and flying top secret test planes.

  TFW: In the Last Stand of the Wreckers collections you wrote two back up stories, "Bullets" and "Zero Point". Any chance either of these will get the full comic art treatment? Maybe included with a trade paper back or otherwise? 在LSOTW收藏中你写了两篇幕后小说,"Bullets"和"Zero Point"。他们有机会漫画化吗?

JR: I doubt it, to be honest. I'd be interested to see them as comic strips, but they were written as prose and maybe something would be lost on translation. Maybe something would be gained! Either way, I think people would prefer all-new material rather than a re-presentation of old stuff. I intend to write more prose stories, though; you'll have seen that 'Bullets' and 'Zero Point' sort of bridge LSOTW and MTMTE - while you can enjoy the comics without them, they were intended to add an extra layer to the ongoing story and flesh out a few concepts and characters. I'm glad people enjoyed them.
我怀疑,说实在话。我会乐于看到他们变成连环画,但是它们是作为散文来写的,也许转化的时候会丢失掉某些东西。也许也可以得到些东西!不管怎样,我想人们更愿意选择全新的内容而不是旧的东西的复述。尽管至于,我想要写更多的散文故事。你可能已经发现'Bullets'和'Zero Point'某种意义上桥接了LSOTW和超越视觉——即便你不看他们也可以享受漫画,但它们实际上是想给正在发生的故事增加额外的一个层次,也会充实一些概念和人物。我很高兴大家喜欢它们。

    TFW: Do you collect Transformer toys? If so, what series? Any holy grails you've never been able to track down? 你收集变形金刚玩具吗?如果是的话,哪些系列?有什么神物你从来没能搞到吗?

JR: I'm a big G1/G2 fan, although I don't limit myself to any particular series. I've done OK in terms of tracking down my holy grails. Just got Roadbuster and Bluestreak to go. Oh, and Reflector. And Browning. And a MIB Blitzwing.  And the combining cassettes.

  TFW: Overlord, Black Shadow and Sixshot were introduced as Phase Sixers. We know why Sixshot is so dangerous, and you demonstrated why Overlord deserves to be there. What makes Black Shadow a major threat like those two? 霸王黑影还有六面兽被称为六阶杀手。我们知道六面兽为什么这么厉害,你也描述了为什么霸王应得这个位置。是什么让黑影可以和这两个人一样成为重要威胁?

JR: Wait and see. :-)

   TFW: Suppose you were asked to write "the Last Transformers story ever", what would you put on the final page? 如果有人让你写“史上最后的变形金刚故事”,你会在最后一页写些什么?

JR: What?! Man. Okay... the final panel of the final page would contain an image or a line of dialog (or both) that would overturn everything you've read in the last 22 pages or 22 issues or whatever, and it would punch you in the gut, bring a lump to your throat and give you an overwhelming sense of satisfaction. I'm not into endings that are pessimistic or 'dark' just for the sake of it; nor am I into endings that are too neat and saccharine. I'd strive for something bittersweet and heartfelt - which is what I'd like MTMTE to be, ultimately.

  TFW: On behalf of everyone on TFW, Thanks for the opportunity to interview you James. Also, thanks for the amazing stories you're giving us. Never leave us ok? :) 为了铁饭碗上的每个人,感谢你James给了这次采访的机会。也感谢你给我们带来的精彩故事。永远别离开我们好吗?

JR: It's a pleasure to talk to you! From what I've seen of it, the TFW comic forum is a really vibrant, chatty, inclusive place, and whenever I've dropped by for a lurk (and I know I should maintain a certain professional distance, but I failed) I've been struck by how seriously your contributors take MTMTE and RiD, and how passionately they embrace the stories and characters. And it is immensely, immensely satisfying to know that MTMTE has such articulate, committed fans - people who, like me, seem to want to read about the increasingly wayward adventures of a ship full of eccentric Autobots.


只看该作者 1 发表于: 2012-07-27

只看该作者 2 发表于: 2012-07-27
No one can hold back!

只看该作者 3 发表于: 2012-07-27

只看该作者 4 发表于: 2012-07-27

Unicron is reviving, coming.

只看该作者 5 发表于: 2012-07-27

只看该作者 6 发表于: 2012-07-27

只看该作者 7 发表于: 2012-07-28

只看该作者 8 发表于: 2012-07-28

只看该作者 9 发表于: 2012-07-29

只看该作者 10 发表于: 2012-07-29

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